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DoctravailAnnexeII vinsmousseux_2 table18sept.doc GROUPE D'EXPERTS/EXPERTS GROUP 18/09/2008. Objet: Point 2)d de l'ordre du jour: Projet de règlement de la Commission fixant certaines modalités d'application du règlement (CE) n° 479/2008 du Conseil en ce qui concerne les pratiques ´nologiques. ANNEXE II 17/09/2008 11:46:55
2008-23_EN_F&V_environmental_actions.doc INTERPRETATIVE NOTE N° 2008-23 28/07/2008 12:06:44
OR mod 1580 WORK DOCUM_ AGRI_C_2_61321_2008_ TEN6.doc COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No ´/..of amending Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No 2200/96, (EC) No 2201/96 and (EC) No 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector for, as regards marketing standards. 28/07/2008 10:00:26
SemplificazionePAC20070516.pps Presentazione riguardante la Semplificazione della PAC, tenutasi al MiPAF il 16 maggio 2007 17/05/2007 15:53:51
CAP Simp EG Presentation.pps CAP Simplification Expert Group 24 April 2007 - Administrative burdens in EU agriculture: an evidence base 09/05/2007 10:19:40
Cross Compliance report Simplification WG 24 04 2007.pps CAP Simplification Expert Group 24 April 2007 - Report to the Council on the implementation of the cross-compliance system 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT ADAM.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3-4 October 2006 - Agriculture and rural development - Agricultural laws and simplification unit 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT AYRAL.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3-4 October 2006 - Agriculture and rural development - Better Regulation & Simplification - DG AGRI´s assessment of the administrative burden on farms arising from the CAP 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT DONELAN.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3-4 October 2006 - Agriculture and rural development - Better Regulation & practices - Joint initiative between the OECD and the European Commission 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT FAUTH.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3-4 October 2006 - Agriculture and rural development - A traders´ view 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT GUEUDAR.pps SIMPLIFICATION DE LA POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE - Approche française pour l´évaluation et réduction de la charge administrative - Bruxelles ´ 3 octobre 2006 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT HUBL.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3-4 October 2006 - Agriculture and rural development - Financial controllers` view 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT MANCINI.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3 October 2006 - The American Experience in Regulatory Review and Reform 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT MCINNES.pps CAP Simplification Stakeholder Conference - October 2006 - Measuring and reducing administrative burdens in EU agriculture 09/05/2007 10:19:40
PPT PEDERSEN.pps Conference on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - A simple CAP for Europe-a challenge for all - Brussels, 3 October 2006 - Administrative Burdens and The CAP 09/05/2007 10:19:40
Semplificazione2.pps Presentazione riguardante la Semplificazione della PAC, tenutasi al MiPAF il 27ottobre 2006 09/05/2007 10:19:40