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Altre iniziative - Documenti di lavoro comunitari

Nome file Descrizione Data Pubblicazione
Action Plan june 2008.doc 46 Proposals of the Action Plan - june 2008 25/06/2008 11:05:23
071129 Fiche Marketing standards fresh fruit and vegetables work doc.doc Sector concerned:Marketing standards fresh fruit and vegetables - February 2008 19/03/2008 10:27:51
071211 Fiche intervention butter REV II.doc Sector concerned: Dairy products - February 2008 19/03/2008 10:27:51
MS action plan implementation overview TO BE DISTRIBUTED.doc 37 proposals of the Action Plan - February 2008 19/03/2008 10:27:51
071011 action plan implementationottobre 2007.doc Semplificazione della Politica Agricola Comune: seminario dell´Unione Europea, tenutosi a Bruxelles il 16 ottobre 2007 - 3. Azioni adottate: 17 su 37 24/10/2007 09:10:12
Action Plan revised version 10 10 07 for Seminar.doc Semplificazione della Politica Agricola Comune: seminario dell´Unione Europea, tenutosi a Bruxelles il 16 ottobre 2007 - 2. Piano di azione 24/10/2007 09:10:12
Seminar October 2007 Mr MOEGELE final.pps Semplificazione della Politica Agricola Comune: seminario dell´Unione Europea, tenutosi a Bruxelles il 16 ottobre 2007 - 1."Keys to future success" 24/10/2007 09:10:12
fiche 21 - de minimis recoveries rev 2.doc Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - Action Plan - fiche 21 17/05/2007 15:53:51
fiche 22 - early selection of farms to be checked.doc Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - Action Plan - fiche 22 17/05/2007 15:53:51
fiche 23 - various milk market amendments.doc Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - Action Plan - fiche 23 17/05/2007 15:53:51
fiche 24 - milk categories.doc Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - Action Plan - fiche 24 17/05/2007 15:53:51
070412 calendrier indicatif dernière version.doc Action plan - Implementation overview ´ Working document Experts Group ´ 24 April 2007 09/05/2007 10:19:40
13 nouvelles fiches FINAL.doc Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - Action Plan - 13 fiches - Brussels, 24 April 2007 09/05/2007 10:19:40
ACTION PLAN EN 210906.doc Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy - Action Plan - October 2006 09/05/2007 10:19:40
ACTION PLAN FR 210906.doc Simplification de la politique agricole commune - Plan d'Action - Octobre 2006 09/05/2007 10:19:40